Thought Leadership
Exequity regularly engages with compensation committees and practitioners of executive compensation and corporate governance. In service of this community and our clients, we closely monitor trends and developments in executive compensation and corporate governance, conduct original research, and speak at public events/webcasts. Our publications and engagements include:
Client Alerts
Exequity closely follows key trends and developments in executive compensation and corporate governance. Client Alerts focus on timely issues such as SEC rules and regulations, proxy advisory firm policy updates, and other pertinent matters. Through Client Alerts, we provide clients insight into how adapt to changes in the executive compensation landscape. |
Client Briefings, Updates
Exequity periodically conducts original research into specific topics in compensation design and corporate governance. Through Client Briefings and Client Updates, we provide insights into and viewpoints on specific topics within executive compensation and corporate governance, such as pay-for-performance and compensation design. Client Briefings are more expansive and Client Updates more focused. |
Special Studies
Exequity periodically conducts in-depth studies into areas of executive compensation and corporate governance. Through Special Studies, we provide information on market practices surrounding executive compensation and corporate governance issues, such as key characteristics of failed equity plans. |
Articles, Speeches, and Webcasts
Exequity's consultants participate in and lead panel discussions and give speeches to practitioners and board members at events around the country. Our consultants have deep expertise and experience across all issues in executive compensation and corporate governance and share their perspectives in various public events and media. |