If your company's Say-on-Pay (SOP) vote received low support (below 70% for ISS and below 80% for Glass Lewis), your company will need to respond appropriately in next year's proxy or face even lower support and, possibly, vote recommendations against directors.
This Client Briefing looks at what the proxy advisors want to see in your next proxy if your company received low support on its SOP vote, outlines a typical response plan, and suggests ways to ensure your company is viewed as being responsive to the low SOP vote in next year's proxy. Finally, summary statistics for Russell 3000 companies from 2012—2018 are provided, which detail the average and median SOP vote support levels, a breakout of the SOP vote support levels (including the SOP failures rates), and ISS vote recommendations for and against SOP proposals. Download Client Briefing (PDF) Comments are closed.